JumpNShoot v0.1

Welcome to JumpNShoot (working title) Game!  This is the v0.1 test build of my latest project! Please consider leaving me feedback in the form at the end of this post.  In this game build i’m looking for the following feedback… What do you think of the art? What do you think of the controls? Did…

Test Build: 07-13-15

I’ve started on an new project.  Recently, a friend approache me with an idea for a game and offered to help me build it!  How could i say now, after all, though i’m really good at starting projects, i’m really bat at fninishing them… At any rate, you can find the start of the project HERE,…

SuprShip Release (kinda)

I’ve decided that I don’t feel like releasing my last project SuprShip.  I just don’t feel like publishing it right now so I’m making my Game Maker Studio project and art available to whoever wants it.  Feel free to use the code and art assets in the project, but please, make sure to read the included…

SuprShip is Shipping Soon!

My new game SuprShip will be available on the Android and Amazon app stores by the end of next week!  After release, I’ll probably make the windows version available here for free.  Also, thanks again Morbes (at morbes.com) for the great beat!

Review: Bleed

A Solid Game With A Ton of Style About Bleed is a wonderful twin stick shooter, erm, platformer? Well, whatever it is, its fast paced, very difficult, and loads of fun! I’ve only finished it on easy mode but plan to play it a LOT more in the near future. Gameplay The games mechanics are similar to the…

GML Platformer Mechanics Made Easy

The following is a simple bit of script which gives a game similar mechanics and physics to classic platformers like Mario or Mega Man, just add your own solid objects!  Eventually, I’ll repackage my physics as a stand alone function so that it can be applied to random environment objects or enemies.  This code can reworked to run in any language,…